Newsletter Archive
Claiming Your Lost Funds Just Makes Cents
Issued August 2024
When it comes to unclaimed property, one of the most common remarks Treasurer Smith hears about Great Iowa Treasure Hunt is, “This is amazing! You should tell people about this.” Most people believe they will never lose track of their assets, but it happens all the time; this is why he never stops sharing about Great Iowa Treasure Hunt and how easy it is to search for your name and the names of family and friends. Spreading the word about unclaimed funds and how they come into his safekeeping, what Iowans can do to keep their property from being turned over to the State and what someone needs to do to claim their property are highlighted in this quarter's newsletter.
Help Us Reunite Military Mementos
Issued May 2024
Observed on the last Monday of May, Memorial Day honors the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving our country. At the State Treasurer’s Office, we are holding many military-related decorations for veterans and families of those who served, and we dedicate this newsletter to helping these lost items find their way home.
Over $2.9 Million Returned from Unclaimed Property Day Efforts
Issued February 2024
When Treasurer Smith reflects on the time he got to hold a Purple Heart that was turned over as unclaimed property, he thought, “If something as monumental as a Purple Heart can be left behind, it’s no wonder millions of dollars are also waiting to be claimed.”
We work tirelessly at the Treasurer’s Office to get these assets, from military medals to money, back to the rightful owner. After a record-breaking 2023 and the Unclaimed Property Day celebration on February 1, we’ve made great strides – but the work isn’t done. We will continue to spread the word about Great Iowa Treasure Hunt’s mission to help Iowans “click, claim and collect,” and you can too! Encourage every family member, friend, business and non-profit you know to search for their name, and they could strike gold from Iowa’s best treasure hunt.
Returning Your Money to Where it Belongs
Issued August 2023
Treasurer Smith had the pleasure of reuniting an Iowan with a record-breaking $4.5 million in unclaimed property from the Great Iowa Treasure Hunt. He talks about the journey to reuniting them with their unclaimed funds, provides a recap of the Iowa State Fair, gives a list of local 4H & FFA clubs with money to claim and more.
Prevent your property from becoming part of the Great Iowa Treasure Hunt
Issued May 2023
Spring is the perfect opportunity to freshen up your financial accounts to help ensure your assets don’t become unclaimed property. This quarter’s newsletter is “blooming” with tips on preventing your property from becoming unclaimed, which includes a document to help you keep track of your various accounts and financial institutions’ contact information. Treasurer Smith also share results from the recent Great Iowa Treasure Hunt claimant survey, a spring-themed list of people and businesses with money to claim and information for businesses needing to report unclaimed property.
Claim Your Cash
Issued February 2023
Because of our National Unclaimed Property Day efforts, there are more than 10,000 Iowans and businesses being reunited with their unclaimed property after searching for their name – claiming a total of over $3 million. In this newsletter, Treasurer Smith shares more about our Unclaimed Property Day celebration, a themed St. Patrick's Day list of businesses and Iowans with unclaimed money, three ways lost funds end up in our office and more!
2022 Q4: Honoring Our Veterans
2022 Q3: Protecting Your Money Year Round
- In the Vault (PDF)
- Back to School: Unclaimed Property Edition (PDF)
- Due Diligence Letter: Is It Legitimate? (PDF)
2022 Q2: The Great Iowa Treasure Hunt is Very "Easy!"
- Five Stars for the Great Iowa Treasure Hunt (PDF)
- Recognize a Most Wanted Business? (PDF)
- Spread the Word to Our Veterans (PDF)
- Fiscal Year End: Reporting Prep (PDF)